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International area

Collaboration and exchange projects for a School projected into the world

International mobility

International mobility at Politecnico di Milano offers many opportunities to enrich one's academic and professional experience, such as EU and non-EU Erasmus+ exchange programs, double degrees, international internships, summer schools, and workshops.

Incoming students

Incoming students are enrolled in other Schools and participate in the exchange program with the Polytechnic in the various Territorial Campuses. 

Outgoing students

Outgoing students are enrolled at the Polytechnic and will attend a study period at a partner university abroad.

International Double Degrees

The International Double Degree programme offers Master's degree students the opportunity to obtain the degree from Politecnico di Milano and the corresponding degree from the partner institution abroad after acquiring 150 or 180 CFUs at the two universities, depending on the agreement.

Special Projects

The network of high-prestige international alliances and collaborations in which the School is inserted

Visiting professors

Professors and researchers of high scientific qualification, belonging to foreign institutions, who carry out teaching activities at our School