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Curricular and extra-curricular internships

The Service is designed to assist students in the search and activation procedures for compulsory and optional curricular internships.  Academic tutor: it is the support and accompaniment figure of the training and learning process of the students involved in the individual internships.
Constantly monitors both the curricular internship and the seriousness, motivations, and commitment of the trainee and the host institution.
The didactic tutoring service is carried out by students - Laurea and Laurea Magistrale tutors, professors, and technical, administrative staff.

Contacts and info: AUIC Internship Office

A student's internship is called a curriculum (compulsory if it corresponds to CFU in the curriculum or optional). The internship of a recent graduate is called extra-curricular. The rules to be respected when carrying out an internship are different depending on whether it is a curricular internship or an extra-curricular one.

For more information on curricular and extracurricular internships please read the FAQ on the Career Service website and write an email to

Each internship by law must be activated on the basis of two written agreements: the Internship Agreement and the training project. The curricular internships of the School of Urban Architecture Construction Engineering are managed by the Internship Office; for more information send an email to:

The extracurricular internships are managed by the Career Service; please contact us for information:

In this page are presented rules and procedures for all the Study Courses (CdS) of the Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, based in Milan.
For the territorial campuses, please connect to the following links:



General informations


The Internship is a professional experience useful to student to deal with the JOB world and interact with industry professionals.

The School allows the compulsory internship, on the condition that it is already present in the study plan from the semester in which it will be carried out: 

  • In the second year (only second semester) and in the third year of Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science _BSc)
  • In the first or in the second year of Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science_MSc)


  • 25 hours for each ECTS of the internship

    Students must enable the COMPULSORY internship for carrying out the credits of the study plan and can, in addition, enable a NON COMPULSORY one (or more) [of the Career Service, and not of the Internship Service], with maximum duration of one year in each host organization, but that does not contribute to acquisition of additional credits.

    This internship must be completed before the graduation work dissertation.

    For further information on NON COMPULSORY curricular internships: Career Service (


In order to obtain the ECTS required for compulsory internship, the student can carry out:

  • an External Internshipin Italy or abroad; the internship can be performed in Public Institutions, Companies, Offices (of architecture, urbanism, landscape, engineering, etc …). It is strictly forbidden to carry out the internship at the office or company of relatives or family members.
    The student must identify an academic tutor for the external compulsory internships among the professors of the own course of study.
  • an Internal Practice Activity (Internal Internship); activities organized by a professor that has as object the involvement of a student only in a research activity to be carried out at one of the Departments of Politecnico di Milano. (academic tutor cannot be relative o family members).
    Availability for Internal practice activities
  • a workshop or a professional course, after approval of the School Board. 
    For further details (Workshop as Internship)

In case of working student (hired with employment contract - no internship - at a company with a duration of at least six months and professional profile similar to the degree course) after approval of the Academic Coordinator of the Study Programme (SAT) for compulsory curricular internships (see below, Staff paragraph), you can get the recognition of the experience as "Activity comparable to internship" .

Find an Intership

The intership can be found as follow: 

  • The student can apply to what offered on Job&Internship board of the Career Service of the University through the use of flags "student/architecture or landscape architecture or urban planning or building engineering or management of built environment/complusory internship"
    In the period of thirty days after the application, the student can be contacted directly by the institution for an interview in the event that his profile can be matched with the request.
  • the student identifies through personal contacts or independent activities  a company/professional office (host organization)
  • the student contacts a school professor available to accept him/her for Internal Practical Activity

For further information:

General regulations and current rules

  • Guidelines
  • The University works according to the law, in order to protect the student and companies.
  • The number of curricular intern that can be hosted, at the same time, in each place is not connected to the number of human resources available (employees, fixed-term contracts, project contracts of at least 12 months, working members or professionals, and company owners), however, each company tutor cannot follow more than 5 curricular interns simultaneously.

Start and Recognition Procedures

IN CASE OF EXTERNAL INTERNSHIP ABROAD: If a foreign host organization provides to the student an internship contract in accordance with the laws of the country where the experience will take place, the student is required to send a copy of it to the Internship Service at least 15 days before the starting date, in order to evaluate its validity as alternative to the documents provided by Politecnico di Milano. Internship started and carried out without sending/issuance of a foreign contract or of an Internship Document cannot be considered as regular and will not be recognized.

IN CASE OF STUDENTS IN DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAMME: the start and recognition procedures shown can be applied, usually, also to students in Double Degree programme, both incoming and outgoing, with a study plan of Politecnico and/or of the University of origin/destination with a compulsory internship. In the event that the University of origin or destination of the student wants to activate the internship with its documentation, it is necessary, however, that the student previously informs the Internship Service at least 15 days in advance, by sending a copy of the documentation.


Intership SAT Managers

Contact them ONLY for the procedures which specifically require their evaluation (practical internal activity, activities comparable to the internship).
In case of EXTERNAL internships, the Academic Supervisor must be selected among ALL THE PROFESSORS of your Study Program.

Building Enginnering/Architecture: Prof. Fulvia Pinto

Internship SAT Managers for E+ (Erasmus+ for traineeship)