Professor | Paola Savoldi, Franco Tagliabue |
Language | Italiano / Italian |
Location | The activities will be based in Milan and will take place in the spaces of the Politecnico di Milano (AUIC School, CRAFT), the oratory house of the Parish of S. Lucia and the Paolo Frisi Institute, in Quarto Oggiaro; there will be any moments of discussion and sharing, at a distance, with members (students/teachers) of the CENTRO University. |
Maximum number of students | 15 |
Period | 28 March-7 April 2025: workshop; June 2025: exhibition |
How to apply | Participants will be selected through an overall assessment of the following documents. Short CV (max two pages) consisting of: 1) name and surname, place and date of birth, nationality, address of residence and domicile, telephone contact, email contact, and any personal and/or curated Instagram page of the candidate. 2) indication of architectural design and urban planning studios and courses attended at the Politecnico di Milano or other universities, with the specification of the lecturer responsible. 3) experience of participation in workshops, briefly described (max 500 characters); other experience relating to construction activities, participatory processes, and managing Instagram pages and/or other social platforms. 4) Knowledge of foreign languages, with a preference for English and Spanish. 5) Knowledge of the leading computer programs. 6) Any additional skills (Photography, Graphics, Journalism, etc.). Brief Portfolio (max five pages) including images of previous work considered most significant, carried out in the university environment and/or activities reported in the CV (workshops, construction experience, graphic work, photography, communication management social platforms). All indicated documentation must be sent by 28 February 2025 by email, in pdf format of max. 20mb, to the workshop leaders:; |
Website | |, | |
CFU valid as | 4 CFU - Workshop - Elective (only for AUIC/ARCH) |
Workshop profile | Download |
Flyer | |
Programme | |
Application form |