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Luigi Franciosini - Familiar Landscapes 

10.4 - 27.5.2024

Curator/s: Luigi Franciosini

His own interpretation of known and familiar places in their critical reading gives the architectural project a strong root and a clear reason for necessity, and the personal drawing supports this horizon within the world of Luigi Franciosini.

Semplicità, flessibilità e rigore: una riflessione progettuale sul tema della scuola primaria
L’architettura è, come ci ricorda Antonio Monestiroli, promessa di felicità.
Un’affermazione così semplice e carica di bellezza, e nello stesso tempo inafferrabile e sfuggente, tanto da spingerci ad alcune brevi riflessioni. 

Luigi Franciosini

The hand runs fast and follows the line that seems to mark the paper rhythmically, without carving it, almost dirtying it with shadows and shapes. That action, those gestures repeated times and then again, then again, represent the figure of reflection that Luigi Franciosini uses to imagine his own architecture, his own original way of interpreting a discipline that is as difficult as it is clear when translated with the certainty of an ancient thought, familiar as a horizon.

A rituality of composing, of the arrangement of things, conquered, fed and grown by an extraordinary search for the knowledge of the meaning of the things that have preceded us, shows and demonstrates - from project to project - an attachment to the soil, to the earth as the first step in the transformation of reality and the last return in the flow of time.