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Graduation Awards

Young Talent Architecture Award - YTAA - EU Mies Award

The Young Talent Architecture Award is organised by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe with the support of Creative Europe as an extension of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award.
This biennial Award, currently in its first edition, aims to support talented newly-qualified European architects, urban planners and landscape architects, who will have the task of transforming our environment.


ProjectArchitecture goes to inverse Architecture goes into reverse. Spunti per (auto)costruire un abitare responsabile
Author/sFederico Cortes, Tommaso Gatti, Federica Melis
Project placement: NomineeLink @ YTAA23
ProjectThe utopia of the historic suburbs. The agriculture in the city and the architectural typologies of the city districts.
Author/sMatteo Ricci
Project placement: NomineeLink @ YTAA 23
ProjectPUBLIC HOUSING AND CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE IN ITALY. Project reflections starting from the regeneration of San Valentino district in Terni
Author/sValentina Torchio, Nicole Vecchiarelli, Luca Verzelletti
Project placement: NomineeLink @ YTAA 23
ProjectRelational Architecture on the A7 | Service Area Design, for a fragile highway and its surroundings
Author/sBeatrice Garampelli, Elizabeth Heidenreich
Project placement: NomineeLink @ YTAA 23
ProjectSUBSTRATUM | Renovation Project of the Spoleto Amphitheatre Monumental Complex          
Author/sFrancesco Biccheri
Project placement: NomineeLink @ YTAA 23
ProjectMilan - Porta Genova Railways _ Experiments on the figure of urban catalysts
Author/sMarco Frank, Houssam Mahi, Daniele Zipeto                                                                                   
Project placement: NomineeLink @ YTAA 23
ProjectIntangible Authenticity | Critical Reflections on the [Lost] River Community in Tripoli
Author/sAssem El Cheikh, Omar El Hassan
Shortlisted projectLink @ YTAA23
ProjectCOMMUNITIES supporting LANDSCAPES |Mountain sustainable transformation and territorial regeneration with a culture–based activation. The case of Monte Cimone
Author/sChiara Forghieri, Laura Cristina Parra Amariles
Project placement: NomineeLink @ YTAA 23


ProjectNicosia, forbidden non place of a diaspora and remembrance: tracing a neutral threshold of encounters and dialogues
Author/sElif Akyuz
ProjectL'identità nascosta dell'isola di Favignana. Geografie di esperienze svelate
Author/sMaria Antonia Bertolino, Alessandra Gasperoni
ProjectSense of home, da campi a città, da shelter a home
Author/sChiara Catani
ProjectArchitettura Necessaria. Rischio idrogeologico e infrastruttura in valle Spluga: metodi, strategie e progetti
per la messa in sicurezza e la rigenerazione di un territorio montano
Author/sGiorgio Costantino, Federico Meroni
ProjectA design proposal for a deconstructed city: Aleppo
Author/sSalome Gugunava , Liu Jing, Jessica Martinez, Selcen Sozunery
ProjectTheatre Academy in Berlin
Author/sHamed Jahanbaznejad, Nodar Kvanchiani
ProjectSan Giovanni Bianco after the quarries, a landscape restoration in the extraction areas
Author/sMichele Mazzoleni
ProjectCity sides. Re-thinking Porto di Mare through design strategies of circular economy and resilience
Author/sKevin Santus, Stefano Sartorio, Arianna Luisa Nicoletta Scaioli

ProjectMaritime Oasis
Author/sStephan Viktor Franz Bittenbinder, Che Liu
ProjectDecommissioned micro urban structures: the case of Fidenza
Author/sFlavio Menici
ProjectSominedepotet, ‘as found’. Progetto per un centro di produzione scenografica a Copenhagen
Author/sGreta Cristina Malavolti
ProjectStructuring enclosures. Design enhancement for the cultural system
of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda area in Xi'an
Author/sGiulia Mazzucchelli , Miriam Giuseppina Pozzoli
ProjectForms of defence
Author/sEnrico Miglietta 
ProjectLast landscape
Author/sSimone Marchetti, Sofia Paoli, Beatrice Maria Rogantini Picco
ProjectSuspended Landscapes
Author/sRoberta D’Agrosa
ProjectOf earth, water and wine
Author/sSeverino Ferrara

List - YTAA2018 shortlisted projects

ProjectListening shapes | Reuse proposal for the Madre de Deus de Monchique in Oporto
Author/sCecilia Rosa, Elena Maria Rossi
Project“La Scuola. Elemento di rigenerazione urbana” | (The school. Element of urban regeneration)
Author/sEleonora Riccioni, Carlo Turuani
ProjectScientific library of Berlin
Author/sMatejia Bonifacic
ProjectCittà sull'Acqua | Milano Porta Genova, the ex-rail yard redevelopment
Author/sNeri D’Alessandro, Emilio Mossa, Giacomo Nava, Jacopo Leoni
ProjectAgricultural Park as a principle of urban transformation | Scalo San Cristoforo.
[Railway station San Cristoforo]
Author/sBogdan Peric
ProjectDialogues between city and landscape | The urban park as a regeneration cell of
abandoned places between critical reading and project, Piacenza
Author/sMatteo Cervini, Eleonora Loca
ProjectCentro Cebada | From Urban Market to Social Condenser – Madrid
Author/sValeria Lovato

List - YTAA2016 shortlisted projects