Each year the University offers students a series of economic benefits that include scholarships, contributions for participation in international mobility programs, graduation prizes, low-interest fiduciary loans, accommodation and canteen facilities.
link PoliMi
- Scholarships and Graduation Awards PoliMi (non DSU)
- Scholarships – Scholarship Announcement: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
- Scholarships offered by the Italian Government to foreign and Italian citizens residing abroad. A.A. 2018/2019
The announcement, published on the new "Study in Italy" portal in the GRANTS section, provides scholarships for 3, 6 and 9 months for Master's degree courses, Higher Artistic and Musical Training courses (AFAM), research doctorates, projects study in co-tutorship, courses in Italian language and culture.
https://studyinitaly.esteri.it/en/home_borse - Web portal for European scholarships
It is worth taking note of the non-profit website www.european-funding-guide.eu, which aims to help students who lack funding, which is one of the main reasons why students give up or do not pursue higher education in the EU.
The website handles more than 12,000 scholarships, grants and awards throughout the EU, worth more than 27 billion Euro overall. More than 500 are specifically addressed to Italian citizens. The platform is totally free and is addressed to BSc, MSc and doctoral students.
Call Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW)
Thanks to a collaboration between Politecnico di Milano - AUIC School and Company Renzo Piano Building Workshop of Genova , student enrolled in the 2022-2023 academic year in the second year of a Laurea Magistrale, or fifth year of a single-cycle, can carry out a 6-month internship at Company Renzo Piano of Genova.
Students will apply through a call that will be published in November 2022.
At this link RaiPlay interview by Donatella Bianchi (Linea Blu) to the students of Politecnico di Milano (min. 46:55) during the program Linea Blu "Genova-Arenzano" (2019).
Call Studio Renzo Piano Workshop building s.r.l.
Thanks to a collaboration between Politecnico di Milano - AUIC School and Company Renzo Piano Building Workshop of Genova , student enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year in the second year of a Laurea Magistrale, or fifth year of a single-cycle, can carry out a 6-month internship at Company Renzo Piano of Genova.
2024/2025 Edition - 1st semeter
Call for applications for a paid internship Company Renzo Piano Building Workshop of Genova
The call for applications is open to students of Politecnico di Milano enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year in the second year of a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) or fifth year of a single-cycle Laurea belonging to the LM24 (Laurea Magistrale in BUILDING SYSTEMS ENGINEERING) or LM4 (Laurea Magistrale in ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING) as part of the School of Architecture, Urban Planning Construction Engineering programmes who, on the applications closing date have acquired:
- at least 52 ECTS if enrolled in the second year of a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme;
- at least 200 ECTS if enrolled in the fifth year of a single-cycle Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme.
Call for applications for a paid internship “Tectoo” a.y. 2024-2025 – second semester
The call for applications is open to students of Politecnico di Milano enrolled in the 2024-2025 academic year in the second year of a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) or fifth year of a single-cycle Laurea belonging to the LM24 (MSc Laurea Magistrale in BUILDING ENGINEERING) or LM4 (MSc Laurea Magistrale in ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING) as part of the School of Architecture, Urban Planning Construction Engineering programmes who, on the applications closing date have acquired:
- at least 52 ECTS if enrolled in the second year of a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme;
- at least 200 ECTS if enrolled in the fifth year of a single-cycle Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme.
- Autodeclaration
- Call
- Board
- Ranking
- Final ranking